## Improvements - Updated event-type dropdown filter on the event feed to use a custom element from our UI library - Updated sidebar chef-server and organization loading to use ngrx/store - Added loading state to the event feed - Enabled configuring all settings in a new deployment with the `config.toml` ## Bug Fixes - Made the signout button clickable - Selecting a chef-server or organization no longer deletes it on the backend - Ingest a chef run from year one and view the nodes on the nodes details page ## Backward Incompatibilities ### Default Configuration Changes Changes to Chef Automate's internal data and file format configurations requires resetting configurations** manually on installations pre-dating 2018/03/09 (Y/M/D). 1. Install an updated version of the `chef-automate` tooling following the steps in the installation guide 2. Create a new Chef Automate configuration file ```bash chef-automate init-config ``` 3. Modify the `config.toml` to with your custom configurations 4. Apply the new configuration ```bash systemctl stop chef-automate # stop the chef automate service rm -rf /hab/sup/default/specs/* # remove habitat service state rm -rf /hab/svc/deployment-service/data # remove persisted configuration data chef-automate deploy config.toml # re-deploy with the config file from your initial deployment ``` #### Compliance Elasticsearch doc_type change Changed the ElasticSearch document type for indices from `_doc` to `doc` to ensure backward compatibility with ElasticSearch 5. Users need to first reset compliance data and then re-ingest all of their compliance data by re-sending the reports through to Automate. Use the following commands _while logged onto_ their Automate instance: ```bash # Delete compliance-service indices (we can't use a wildcard as `action.destructive_requires_name` is enabled) curl -s http://localhost:10141/_cat/indices/comp*?h=i | while read compliance_index; do curl -X DELETE http://localhost:10141/$compliance_index; done # Delete compliance-service templates curl -X DELETE http://localhost:10141/_template/comp* # Restart compliance-service chef-automate restart-services ``` #### Changed Subjects for Policies Changed the format of user subjects in authorization policies. User subjects now contain a `local`, `SAML`, or `LDAP` namespace, depending on the login process, and an id. For example: ```bash user:local:08a8684b-db88-4b73-90a9-3cd1661f5466 ```