## New Features - Client Runs: Search and filter by Chef tags! You'll see filter in the client runs search-bar. ## Improvements - See What You Need: You'll only see the nodes that you added manually or through a cloud integration on the Scanner Nodes Page. You won't see all ingested compliance nodes. - Sort & Report: When you filter a Compliance report by a control, that's what you'll get on your exported CSV or JSON. - That's So Metadata: See the Chef Client version for each node in the nodes-list view by clicking the gear icon at top right of table and checking that checkbox. - That's So Metadata: Navigate to the Chef Client run summary view and you'll find that we now display the chef-client version on the node as well as deprecations count. - Improved Compliance: The STIG Windows Server 2016 preview compliance profile includes: - SV-87923r1_rule (Software certificate installation files must be removed from Windows Server 2016.) - SV-88287r1_rule (The built-in administrator account must be renamed.) - SV-88289r1_rule (The built-in guest account must be renamed.) - SV-88475r1_rule (The built-in guest account must be disabled.) - Improved Compliance: The STIG RedHat 7 preview compliance profile includes: - SV-86551r2_rule (operating system must be configured so that passwords are restricted to a 24 hours/1 day minimum lifetime.) ## Bug Fixes - Inspec 1 Reports: Automate accepts reports generated with InSpec 1 as well as InSpec 2. Not to nag, but we'd still like you to update to the new InSpec, ASAP. - There Can Only Be One: Prevent users from creating credentials with both a password and ssh key. Only one or the other should be included in a credential.