## Upgrade Impact If you are upgrading from a version prior to 20190410001346, please read our [important announcement](https://discourse.chef.io/t/important-compliance-outage-information-on-automate-2-april-15th-upgrade/14909). ## New Features - Deep Filtering: View the state of your infrastructure via the Compliance tab from the perspective of a single profile, or a single profile and one of its child controls. - Compliance Improvements: Compliance profiles for CIS Windows Server 2016 v1.1.0 (Domain Controller and Member Server) are now available in the Asset Store. In addition to the standard Level 1 and Level 2 profiles, we also include CIS's newly defined Next Generation Windows Security profiles, an optional compliance standard to be used in addition to Level 1 or Level 2. ## Improvements - So Fresh: Skipped Profiles under Compliance Reporting node details got a refresh! You will now see the bolded name of the profile first, followed by the skip message from InSpec if one exists. ## Bug Fixes - Many Happy Returns: Previously, a scan job node read would fail with a 500 error if the credential was deleted. We now return the node object, regardless of the state of its associated credentials. - On the Button: The report button will only appear on the actual scans list for a recurring job, rather than erroneously for a completed recurring job. - Compliance Fix: Control of the CIS CentOS 7 v2.2.0 compliance profile no longer depends on a `/etc/sysconfig/ntpd` file that does not exist on all systems and is not required by CIS's specification.