## Upgrade Impact ICYMI: If you are upgrading from a version prior to 20190410001346, please read our [Important Compliance Outage Announcement](https://discourse.chef.io/t/important-compliance-outage-information-on-automate-2-april-15th-upgrade/14909). ## New Features - New API support: Upon ingestion of a report from Chef Infra or Chef InSpec, metadata information about the node and status of the report will be sent to the `nodes` API. Make API calls to the `api/v0/nodes/search` endpoint to find out which of your nodes passed their penultimate scan and failed the most recent one. The same can be done for the ccr status, and filters can be combined. See the [Nodes API documentation](https://automate.chef.io/docs/nodes/) for more information and examples. ## Improvements - The Feature Formerly Known As: The _Asset Store_ page is now known as the _Profiles_ page in Automate and its documentation. - Change of Address: The following pages and their paths now appear under the expanded **Compliance** tab in the top navigation bar: - Reports - compliance/reports - Scan Jobs - compliance/scan-jobs - Profiles - compliance/compliance-profiles - Bam!: New nodes can now be added directly from _Node Integration_ page under the **Settings** tab. - Search Expansion: New fields were added to the Compliance Report search: - Chef-server - Organization - Chef tags - Policy group - Policy name - No More Magnifying Glass: The _Event Feed_ page features larger text sizes for better readability. - Customize Notifications: Specify to only send ServiceNow InSpec scan failure notifications for critical control failures. - Search Multiplier: Filter nodes for a scan job using multiple tag key/value selections. - Error Feedback: If a report is too large to be ingested, the scan job will now fail and send an error message. - Narrow Down: Suggestions that appear in the Client Runs search bar are filtered to only show values from the nodes currently visible on the page. - Name Tags Not Required: Nodes added without a name via cloud integrations will now use their ids instead. ## Bug Fixes - Replaced Filter: Wildcard filters of the same type in the Client Runs search bar are now treated as 'OR' filters. - Keep It Simple: Compliance will now use one ElasticSearch connection per compliance-service instance. By reducing the number of sockets being managed, this solves a problem of receiving `could not get elastic connection` errors in Compliance. - In Order: Search bar types under the _Client Runs_ page are now sorted alphabetically.