## Upgrade Impact ICYMI: If you are upgrading from a version prior to 20190410001346, please read our [Important Compliance Outage Announcement](https://discourse.chef.io/t/important-compliance-outage-information-on-automate-2-april-15th-upgrade/14909). ## Improvements - Easily Read: We have improved the readability of the CIS RHEL and Ubuntu compliance profiles. - Check It Out: CIS Ubuntu 16.04 v1.0.0 compliance profile features a number of fixes and improvements. - Keeps Going: `chef-automate airgap bundle create` now retries failed downloads of Habitat artifacts. - Security Detail: Our default cipher suite configuration no longer includes CBC-mode ciphers. - Default Try: `chef-automate backup restore` will attempt to restore the latest backup if no backup ID is given. ## Bug Fixes - That's Not My Name: Fixed an incorrect variable name in control SV-86877r3 of the STIG RHEL7 v002.003 compliance profile. - No More Mr. Mice Guy: `chef-automate stop` no longer hangs due to a bug. - Hugs not Bugs: A bug, related to HTTP_PROXY support in data-feed-service, previously prevented Automate from starting in some configurations, but we fixed that.