## New Features - Login with SAML: You can now configure the `name ID policy format` to use. When left untouched, `name ID policy format` still defaults to `urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent`. Please consult the documentation for the [list of accepted values](https://automate.chef.io/docs/configuration/#saml). - Check It Out: The following compliance profiles are now available: - CIS Apple OSX 10.12, v1.0.0 - CIS Apple OSX 10.11, v1.1.0 - CIS Apple OSX 10.10, v1.2.0 - CIS Apple OSX 10.9, v1.3.0 - CIS Apple OSX 10.8, v1.3.0 - CIS Apple OSX 10.6, v1.0.0 - CIS Apple OSX 10.5, v1.1.0 - CIS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, v1.0.0 ## Improvements - Clear Your Mind: We removed the shadows from the top and left navigation menus to make Chef Automate easier on your eyes. - New Version: Chef InSpec has been upgraded to version 4.7.18. - Even More Suggestions: We increased the maximum number of suggestions on the _Compliance_ page’s search bar to 100. - Better Sorting: We made improvements on how local users are filtered in the following Windows profiles: - CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016, v1.1.0 - CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2016, v1.0.0 - CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2012, v2.0.1 - CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, v2.3.0 - CIS Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2, v2.2.1 - STIG Microsoft Windows Server 2016, v001.009 - STIG Microsoft Windows Server 2016, v001.006 ## Bug Fixes - Found: Our recent fix addresses some suggested values missing from the _Compliance_ page’s search bar. - Getting Through: We squashed a bug where notifications were not being sent for some custom InSpec profiles. - No More Annoying Boxes: We turned off browser form autocompletion for both the _Client Runs_ and _Compliance_ pages’ search bars to save some sanity when entering a search filter.