## New Features - Why Not Both?: You can now configure Automate to use both LDAP and SAML, rather than choosing between the two. You're now able to choose up to one provider each for both LDAP and SAML. ## Improvements - Top Navigation Changes: _Event Feed_ moved to under the _Dashboards_ tab, and _Client Runs_ relocated to under the _Infrastructure_ tab. - Better Fit: Chef Server Organization and Chef Server filters have been moved from the left-navigation menu to the on-page filter box for both the _Event Feed_ and _Client Runs_ pages. This change allows you to filter by multiple Server Organizations and Servers, and also to share and bookmark page URLs with filters still applied. - More Sorting: We added a filter box to the _Event Feed_ page with options to filter by Chef Server Organization, Chef Server, and Event Type. - Status Check: The Nodes display under the Compliance tab now features filter buttons for _Failed_, _Passed_, and _Skipped_ states. - Key Point: We improved keyboard accessibility on the Chef Automate Sign In page. ## Bug Fixes - Resolved: We fixed an UI failure for older browsers without native `customElements` support. - Corrected: The "Mark Nodes Missing" data lifecycle job no longer runs with the wrong threshold.