## New Features - You can now check the `Policyfiles` from Chef Infra Server. Navigate to the Policyfiles tab: **Infrastructure > Chef Infra Server > Server Name > Organization > Policyfiles > PolicyFile**. ([#5327](https://github.com/chef/automate/pull/5327), [#5374](https://github.com/chef/automate/pull/5374), [#5377](https://github.com/chef/automate/pull/5377)) ## Improvements - **Login Landing Page** will now be displayed for all types of login. ([#5375](https://github.com/chef/automate/pull/5375)) ## Compliance Profile Updates: - Compliance profiles are updated to version 1.0.0/20210720091254, which includes the following profile changes: ([#5367](https://github.com/chef/automate/pull/5367)): > STIG Windows 10 v2.1.0 > Fix for - ASLR check in CIS ## Bug Fixes - Fixed the pagination in **Compliance Report**. ([#5360](https://github.com/chef/automate/pull/5360)) ## Security ### Security Improvements - We have made the following security improvements (Examples: New Security Configurations): ([#5363](https://github.com/chef/automate/pull/5363)) > Added SameSite=Lax to the Session Cookie ### Security Updates The node modules are updated to fix the following CVE issues: - [CVE-2021-23358](https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-cf4h-3jhx-xvhq) - Updated lodash to 1.13.1 ## Chef Product Versions This release uses: - Chef Habitat version: 1.6.181/20201030172917 - Chef Habitat Builder version: 8997/20200812161534 - Chef Infra Server version: 14.4.4/20210520120637 - Chef InSpec version: 4.24.32/20210112215549 ## Service Versions This release uses: - Postgres: 9.6.11 - ElasticSearch: 6.8.14 - Nginx: 1.19.2 - Haproxy: 2.2.2 View the [package manifest](https://packages.chef.io/manifests/current/automate/latest.json) for the latest release.