## New Features - Data Feed is now made GA. Data Feed supports 2 types of Integrations: * Webhook Integration - Supports 4 kinds of RESTful API based webhook integrations. * ServiceNow * Splunk * ELK * Custom Webhook * Storage Integration - Supports 2 kinds of storage types. * AWS S3 * Minio For detailed documentation please refer to [docs.chef.io](https://docs.chef.io) ## Security ### Security Improvements (examples: new security configurations) - Automate stops displaying the hidden directories and contents ([https://github.com/chef/automate/pull/5872](#5872)) ## Chef Product Versions This release uses: - Chef Habitat version: 1.6.181/20201030172917 - Chef Habitat Builder version: 8997/20200812161534 - Chef Infra Server version: 14.4.4/20210520120637 - Chef InSpec version: 4.24.32/20210112215549 ## Service Versions This release uses: - Postgres: 9.6.11 - ElasticSearch: 6.8.14 - Nginx: 1.19.2 - Haproxy: 2.2.2 View the [package manifest](https://packages.chef.io/manifests/current/automate/latest.json) for the latest release.