This release: - Fixes a regression in IPv6 address handling - Allows you to disable request logging via the following optional settings: - `opscode-erchef['enable_request_logging']` - `oc_bifrost['enable_request_logging']` - `bookshelf['enable_request_logging']` See the [Chef server optional settings](/server/config_rb_server_optional_settings/) guide for additional details - `chef-server-ctl reconfigure` fixes permissions on gems with an overly restrictive umask - Makes the display of the welcome page configurable via the `nginx['show_welcome_page']` setting. See the [Chef server optional settings](/server/config_rb_server_optional_settings/) guide for additional details - Infers the current database migration level and necessary upgrades for `chef-server-ctl upgrade` - Catches `server_name` resolution errors during `chef-server-ctl reconfigure`, and continues with the reconfiguration - No longer creates the default RabbitMQ `guest` user See the detailed [change log]( for a complete list of changes.