This release: - Segment free cookbooks are implemented. () This bumps the API version. - ACLs for cookbook artifacts - /nodes/NODENAME endpoint has HEAD operation. - Security headers for HTTP - Optional disabling of welcome page - chef-server-ctl now has version subcommand. - chef-server-ctl appbundled to better control gem loading. - Support for SSL auth between internal Chef Server Services. This includes connections to bifrost and the internal Postgresql server. - All datestamps in logs are now in UTC. SOLR GC log now datestamped. - Nginx logs now include the request id. - Fixie is now shipped with Chef Server. - Fixed issue migrating rabbitmq passwords (migration 031). - Chef indexing queue times now reported in stats in log messages and status endpoint. - Fix for SUSE SLES-11 sysvinit install - Removed nodejs (a build dependency that was shipped). **Note:** Chef Server 12.18.14 introduces an incompatibility between older versions of Berkshelf and ChefDK. We recommend using the minimum versions of Berkshelf \>= 7.0.5 and ChefDK \>= 3.2.30. This incompatibility manifests with a Berkshelf upload to Chef Server failure of `Net::HTTPServerException: 400 "Bad Request"` and opscode-erchef logs containing `status=400` and `req_api_version=1` in the log line for the corresponding cookbook upload API request. ## Security ### doorkeeper Doorkeeper has been updated to resolve [CVE-2018-1000211]( ### OpenSSL OpenSSL has been updated from 1.0.2n to 1.0.2p to resolve the following CVEs: - [CVE-2018-0732]( - [CVE-2018-0737]( - [CVE-2018-0739]( ### Postgresql Postgresql has been updated from 9.6.4 to 9.6.10 to resolve the following CVEs: - [CVE-2017-15099]( - [CVE-2017-15098]( - [CVE-2017-12172]( - [CVE-2018-1053]( - [CVE-2018-1058]( - [CVE-2018-1115]( - [CVE-2018-10915]( - [CVE-2018-10925]( ### Ruby Ruby has been updated from 2.4.3 to 2.5.1 to resolve the following CVEs: - [CVE-2017-17742]( - [CVE-2018-6914]( - [CVE-2018-8777]( - [CVE-2018-8778]( - [CVE-2018-8779]( - [CVE-2018-8780]( - Multiple vulnerabilities in RubyGems