The following items are new for Chef server 12.4: - **/universe endpoint** Use the `/universe` endpoint to retrieve the known collection of cookbooks, and then use it with Berkshelf and Chef Supermarket. - **opscode-expander-reindexer service** The `opscode-expander-reindexer` service is deprecated. - **Global server administrator list** Use the `grant-server-admin-permissions`, `remove-server-admin-permissions`, and `list-server-admins` to manage the list of users who belong to the `server-admins` group. ## /universe Use the `/universe` endpoint to retrieve the known collection of cookbooks, and then use it with Berkshelf and Chef Supermarket. The `/universe` endpoint has the following methods: `GET`. ## GET The `GET` method is used to retrieve the universe data. This method has no parameters. **Request** ```none GET /universe ``` **Response** The response will return an embedded hash, with the name of each cookbook as a top-level key. Each cookbook will list each version, along with its location information and dependencies: ```javascript { "ffmpeg": { "0.1.0": { "location_path": "" "location_type": "supermarket", "dependencies": { "git": ">= 0.0.0", "build-essential": ">= 0.0.0", "libvpx": "~> 0.1.1", "x264": "~> 0.1.1" }, }, "0.1.1": { "location_path": "" "location_type": "supermarket", "dependencies": { "git": ">= 0.0.0", "build-essential": ">= 0.0.0", "libvpx": "~> 0.1.1", "x264": "~> 0.1.1" }, }, "pssh": { "0.1.0": { "location_path": "" "location_type": "supermarket", "dependencies": {}, } } } ```
Response Code Description
200 OK. The request was successful. One (or more) cookbooks and associated cookbook version information was returned.
## Server Admins The `server-admins` group is a global group that grants its members permission to create, read, update, and delete user accounts, with the exception of superuser accounts. The `server-admins` group is useful for users who are responsible for day-to-day administration of the Chef server, especially user management via the `knife user` subcommand. Before members can be added to the `server-admins` group, they must already have a user account on the Chef server. ## Scenario The following user accounts exist on the Chef server: `pivotal` (a superuser account), `alice`, `bob`, `carol`, and `dan`. Run the following command to view a list of users on the Chef server: ```bash chef-server-ctl user-list ``` and it returns the same list of users: ```bash pivotal alice bob carol dan ``` Alice is a member of the IT team whose responsibilities include day-to-day administration of the Chef server, in particular managing the user accounts on the Chef server that are used by the rest of the organization. From a workstation, Alice runs the following command: ```bash knife user list -c ~/.chef/alice.rb ``` and it returns the following error: ```bash ERROR: You authenticated successfully to as alice but you are not authorized for this action Response: Missing read permission ``` Alice is not a superuser and does not have permissions on other users because user accounts are global to organizations in the Chef server. Let's add Alice to the `server-admins` group: ```bash chef-server-ctl grant-server-admin-permissions alice ``` and it returns the following response: ```bash User alice was added to server-admins. ``` Alice can now create, read, update, and delete user accounts on the Chef server, even for organizations to which Alice is not a member. From a workstation, Alice re-runs the following command: ```bash knife user list -c ~/.chef/alice.rb ``` which now returns: ```bash pivotal alice bob carol dan ``` Alice is now a server administrator and can use the following knife subcommands to manage users on the Chef server: - `knife user-create` - `knife user-delete` - `knife user-edit` - `knife user-list` - `knife user-show` For example, Alice runs the following command: ```bash knife user edit carol -c ~/.chef/alice.rb ``` and the \$EDITOR opens in which Alice makes changes, and then saves them. ### Superuser Accounts Superuser accounts may not be managed by users who belong to the `server-admins` group. For example, Alice attempts to delete the `pivotal` superuser account: ```bash knife user delete pivotal -c ~/.chef/alice.rb ``` and the following error is returned: ```bash ERROR: You authenticated successfully to as user1 but you are not authorized for this action Response: Missing read permission ``` Alice's action is unauthorized even with membership in the `server-admins` group. ## Manage server-admins Group Membership of the `server-admins` group is managed with a set of `chef-server-ctl` subcommands: - `chef-server-ctl grant-server-admin-permissions` - `chef-server-ctl list-server-admins` - `chef-server-ctl remove-server-admin-permissions` ### Add Members The `grant-server-admin-permissions` subcommand is used to add a user to the `server-admins` group. Run the command once per user added. This subcommand has the following syntax: ```bash chef-server-ctl grant-server-admin-permissions USER_NAME ``` where `USER_NAME` is the user to add to the list of server administrators. For example: ```bash chef-server-ctl grant-server-admin-permissions bob ``` returns: ```bash User bob was added to server-admins. This user can now list, read, and create users (even for orgs they are not members of) for this Chef Server. ``` ### Remove Members The `remove-server-admin-permissions` subcommand is used to remove a user from the `server-admins` group. Run the command once per user removed. This subcommand has the following syntax: ```bash chef-server-ctl remove-server-admin-permissions USER_NAME ``` where `USER_NAME` is the user to remove from the list of server administrators. For example: ```bash chef-server-ctl remove-server-admin-permissions bob ``` returns: ```bash User bob was removed from server-admins. This user can no longer list, read, and create users for this Chef Server except for where they have default permissions (such as within an org). ``` ### List Membership The `list-server-admins` subcommand is used to return a list of users who are members of the `server-admins` group. This subcommand has the following syntax: ```bash chef-server-ctl list-server-admins ``` and will return a list of users similar to: ```bash pivotal alice bob carol dan ```