## Updated Components ### Chef InSpec 4.18.100 Chef InSpec has been updated to 4.18.100 to fix the following bugs: * We fixed a problem in which the sudo password would appear to be ignored even if provided. * We resolved an issue in which profiles could not be fetched from an Automate server. * The `release` property of the `platform` resource no longer breaks for Chef Habitat with Linux. ### Test Kitchen 2.4.0 Test Kitchen has been updated to 2.4.0. This update will now pass the `CHEF_LICENSE` environmental variable, if it is set, from the host workstation to any created machines. The `CHEF_LICENSE` environmental variable is used to accept the required EULA. Any environmental variables on the host machine that start with `TKENV_` will also be passed to created machines with that prefix removed. The base verifier was updated to support a downloads configuration. This configuration will download files from the created machines to the host machine after running verification. It expects a hash from locations on the created machine to locations on the host machine: ``` downloads: "/tmp/kitchen/nodes": "./test/fixtures" ```