## Improvements ### Chef 14.10.9 Chef Workstation now ships with Chef 14.10.9. See for more information on what's new. ### InSpec 3.4.1 Chef Workstation now ships with Inspec 3.4.1. See for more information on what's new. ### kitchen-inspec 1.0.1 Support bastion configuration in transport options. ### kitchen-vagrant 1.4.0 This fixes audio for virtualbox users by disabling audio in virtualbox by default to prevent interrupting the host's Bluetooth audio. ### kitchen-azurerm 0.14.8 Support Azure Managed Identities and apply vm_tags to all resources in resource group. ### Updated Components and Tools * `bundler`: 1.16.1 -> 1.17.3 * `chef-apply`: 0.2.4 -> 0.2.7 * `kitchen-tidy`: 1.2.0 -> 2.0.0 * `rubygems`: 2.7.6 -> 2.7.8 ## Deprecations * `chef provision` - Chef Provisioning has been in maintenance mode since 2015 and due to the age of it's dependencies it cannot be included in ChefDK 4 which is scheduled for an April release. Additional information on the future of Chef Provisioning will be announced in the coming weeks