## Updated Components ### Knife Chef Infra Client has been updated to 16.9 with the following improvements to the `knife` command: - The `knife bootstrap` command now properly formats the `trusted_certs_dir` configuration value on Windows hosts. Thanks for this fix [@axelrtgs](https://github.com/axelrtgs)! - The `knife bootstrap` command now only specifies the ssh option `-o IdentitiesOnly=yes` if keys are present. Thanks for this fix [@drbrain](https://github.com/drbrain)! - The `knife status` command with the `-F json` flag no longer fails if cloud nodes have no public IP. ### Chef InSpec Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.24.8 to 4.24.26. This release includes several behind-the-scenes updates as well as a few useful resource updates: - The `parse_config` resource now accepts `[` and `]` characters, which allows access to settings that contain dots. Thanks [@rgeissert](https://github.com/rgeissert)! ([#5252](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/pull/5252)) - The `mssql_session` resource expands its platform support to include macOS and Linux since the `sqlcmd` utility is now available on those platforms. Thanks [@kclinden](https://github.com/kclinden)! ([#5366](https://github.com/inspec/inspec/pull/5366)) ### Upgrade Lab The `chef report` command in the Chef Upgrade Lab has been updated to work with the latest releases of Cookstyle. ### Cookstyle Cookstyle has been updated from 7.3 to 7.5. This new release updates the RuboCop engine that powers Cookstyle in order to improve detection and autocorrect of Ruby code. The new release also offers several improvements to existing Chef Infra cops: - The `Chef/RedundantCode/UnnecessaryNameProperty` has been improved to detect additional cases where an unnecessary name property is defined in a resource. - Trailing whitespace in files is once again detected by enabling the renamed `Layout/TrailingEmptyLines` cop. Thanks for reporting this issue [@mvangoor](https://github.com/mvangoor)! - The `Chef/Deprecations/DeprecatedChefSpecPlatform` cop has been updated to detect newly deprecated platforms in Fauxhai when used in ChefSpec tests. ### ChefSpec Missing dependency errors running ChefSpec tests have been resolved. Thanks for the report [@y0y0z](https://github.com/y0y0z)! ### Test Kitchen Test Kitchen has been updated from 2.8.0 to 2.9.0. This new release improves connecting to Windows hosts over WinRM from Linux systems. Connections are now made using `xfreerdp` to avoid CredSSP error messages that previously occurred. If you're currently using the previous `rdesktop` solution, you'll need to install `xfreerdp`. This solution works out of the box without configuration, making it easier to test Windows guests on Linux hosts. Thanks [@ramereth](https://github.com/ramereth)! ### knife-ec2 The knife-ec2 plugin for Amazon EC2 has been updated from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 to properly report the instance name when running `knife ec2 server list`. Thanks for reporting this issue [@isaitgirl](https://github.com/isaitgirl)! ### Fauxhai Fauxhai was updated from 8.6 to 8.7. Fauxhai provides mock Ohai system configuration data for use in ChefSpec unit tests. This release marked several legacy OS datasets as deprecated. The mocked data for these platforms will be removed from Fauxhai in the April 2021 release: - openSUSE 15.1 - Redhat 7.6 - CentOS 7.6 - Linux Mint 18.3 - All Amazon Linux 201X releases except 2018.03 To detect and update ChefSpec tests using this legacy data, run Cookstyle against your cookbooks. ## Backward Incompatibilities The Chef Push Client and knife-push plugin are no longer included in Chef Workstation. Chef Push Jobs became EOL on Dec 31, 2020.