## Chef Infra Client Chef Infra Client has been updated from 16.9.20 to 16.9.32. - Resolved orphaned PowerShell processes when using Compliance Remediation content. - Resolved failures from running `chef-client` on some Windows systems. - Compliance Phase: Improved detection of the `audit` cookbook when it is used for compliance reporting. - chef-shell: Added support for loading configs in `client.d` directories - Thanks [@jaymzh](https://github.com/jaymzh)! ## Chef InSpec Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.24.32 to 4.26.14. #### New Features - You can now directly refer to settings in the `nginx_conf` resource using the `its` syntax. Thanks [@rgeissert](https://github.com/rgeissert)! - You can now specify the shell type for WinRM connections using the `--winrm-shell-type` option. Thanks [@catriona1](https://github.com/catriona1)! - Plugin settings can now be set programmatically. Thanks [@tecracer-theinen](https:/github.com/tecracer-theinen)! - OpenSSH Client on Windows can now be tested with the ssh_config and sshd_config resources. Thanks [@rgeissert](https://github.com/rgeissert)! - The `--reporter-message-truncation` option now also truncates the `code_desc` field, preventing failures when sending large reports to Automate. #### Bug Fixes - Updated the `oracledb_session` to use more general invocation options. Thanks [@pacopal](https://github.com/pacopal)! - Fixed an error with the `http` resource in Chef Infra Client by including `faraday_middleware` in the gemspec. - Fixed an incompatibility between `parslet` and `toml` in Chef Infra Client. - Improved programmatic plugin configuration. ## Test Kitchen Test Kitchen has been updated from 2.9 to 2.10. ### Uploading Files In the Provisioner Test Kitchen now allows you to upload files from your workstation to the test node within the provisioner. The new `uploads` config accepts a hash mapping local files to files on the remote test node. Thanks for this new feature [@tecracer-theinen](https://github.com/tecracer-theinen)! #### Uploading a config file before running Chef Infra Client ```yaml provisioner: name: chef_zero uploads: "foo.cfg": "/etc/foo.cfg" ``` ### Includes/Excludes Filters in Lifecycle Hooks You can now exclude or include platforms from running in a lifecycle hook. This is particularly useful when running commands like `apt-get update` which can only be run on certain systems. Thanks for this new feature [@jasonwbarnett](https://github.com/jasonwbarnett)! #### Excluding apt-get update on RHEL ```yaml lifecycle: pre_converge: - remote: | "apt-get update" exclude: - rhel-7 - rhel-8 ``` ### Bug Fixes - Resolved `uninitialized constant Kitchen::Loader::YAML::Psych` error - [@dwmarshall](https://github.com/dwmarshall) ## Kitchen Inspec Verifier The kitchen-inspec verifier plugin has been updated from 2.2.2 to 2.3.0. This new release improves performance by setting the `backend_cache` config to `true` by default. ## Chef CLI The Chef CLI has been updated to allow `chef generate` to properly create files in subdirectories.