## Improvements ### Chef Infra Client 17.7.29 Chef Infra Client has been updated from 17.6.18 to 17.7.29 with improved secrets manager support for Azure Key Vault, improvements to agentless Chef Infra Client runs with Target Mode, and multiple updated resources. See the [Chef Infra Client 17.7.22 Release Notes](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes_client/?v=17.7.22) and [Chef Infra Client 17.7.29 Release Notes](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes_client/?v=17.7.29) for more details. ### Chef InSpec 4.49.0 Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.46.13 to 4.49.0 with the following updates: #### New Features - Added support for testing Cassandra DB configurations and CQL commands. - Added the CLI option `--filter-waived-controls` to increase execution speed when using waivers. - Integrated `inspec check` with Cookstyle. #### Bug Fixes - Resolved case sensitivity issue for Windows `users` and `group` resources. - Fixed the **oracledb_session** resource when invoking a query using OS user and DB role. - Additional **oracledb_session** resource fixes. ### Test Kitchen Test Kitchen has been updated from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 with improved progress logging in the `ssh` transport. Thanks [@karmix](https://github.com/karmix)! ### Kitchen Dokken The Test Kitchen plugin `kitchen-dokken` now includes colored output in the terminal to distinguish between multiple nodes converging at the same time and also includes improved support for Docker on Windows. ### Kitchen EC2 The Test Kitchen plugin `kitchen-ec2` has been updated with better platform support and error handling: - Test Kitchen no longer waits 300 seconds during `kitchen destroy` if the AWS instance was destroyed outside of Test Kitchen. - Supports using vendor images of Windows 2022 - Supports using vendor images of Debian 10 or later ### knife acl The `knife acl` command now supports setting acls on `cookbook_artifacts` objects on the Chef Infra Server. ### Habitat 1.6.420 Habitat has been updated from 1.6.351 to 1.6.420 with many behind-the-scenes updates. ### Cookstyle 7.25.9 Cookstyle has been updated from 7.25.6 to 7.25.9 with many improvements to its code linting engine.