### Chef Infra Client 16.10 Chef Workstation now ships with Chef Infra Client 16.10. This new release includes expanded AWS Metadata support including IMDSv2 support, Alma Linux support, and resource updates. See the [Chef Infra Client 16.10 Release Notes](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes_client/#whats-new-in-1610) for more details on everything new in this release. ### Policyfiles Improvements We've improved how Policyfiles are handled in the `chef` command. Now running `chef install` when a `Policyfile.lock` is not present will generate the lock file and install the cookbooks instead of producing an error. This mirrors the behavior of `bundle install` and other dependency management tools. We think this will make it easier to manage Chef Infra cookbooks in CI pipelines where a lock may or may not be generated yet. Thanks for reporting this issue [@coderanger](https://github.com/coderanger)! We've also resolved a failure that would occur when testing cookbooks that use Policyfiles in ChefSpec. Thanks for reporting this issue [@ElfoLiNk](https://github.com/ElfoLiNk)! ### Knife Bootstrapping Without Sudo The `knife boostrap` command now supports elevating privileges on systems without `sudo` by using the `su` command instead. Use the new `--su-user` and `--su-password` flags to specify credentials for `su`. ### Alma Linux Support Chef Infra Client and Chef Workstation now support [Alma Linux](https://almalinux.org/), a new open-source RHEL fork produced by the CloudLinux team. Chef Infra Client 16.10 and later now maps the `alma-linux` `platform` to the `rhel` `platform_family` value. In Chef Workstation, we've also added support for testing cookbooks on Alma Linux with new [Alma Linux 8 Vagrant Images](https://app.vagrantup.com/bento/boxes/almalinux-8) for use in Test Kitchen on VirtualBox, Parallels, and VMware. You can use these images today in Test Kitchen by specifying this new box in your config as follows: ```yaml platforms: - name: almalinux-8 ``` ### Kitchen vCenter Windows Improvements When using Test Kitchen's `vcenter` driver, you can now specify `administrator_password` to set the password on a Windows test instance's `Administrator` account. Thanks for this enhancement [@lomeroe](https://github.com/lomeroe)! ### Updated Cookstyle Cookstyle has been updated from 7.5 to 7.7. This new release includes an updated RuboCop engine for improved detection and autocorrection. It also enables RuboCop's `Lint/DeprecatedConstants` cop to detect deprecated `TRUE`, `FALSE`, and `NIL` constant values. ### Amazon Linux 2 Packages We now produce Chef Workstation packages for Amazon Linux 2. You can find these packages from [Chef Downloads](https://www.chef.io/downloads). ### Security We've updated the version of `curl` packaged with Chef Workstation to 7.75 to resolve the following curl CVEs: - [CVE-2020-8286](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-8286) - [CVE-2020-8285](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-8285) - [CVE-2020-8284](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2020-8284)