## Performance Improvements We've improved the performance of many of the included command-line tools in Chef Workstation along with the performance of the Chef Workstation menubar application. ## Test Kitchen The Kitchen vCenter driver has been updated to prevent failures while running on Windows hosts. The Kitchen Azure driver now includes support for setting the public IP SKU with a new `public_ip_sku` driver configuration option thanks to [@simonjefford](https://github.com/simonjefford)! For example: ```yaml platforms: - name: ubuntu-1804 driver: image_urn: Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04.4-LTS:latest vnet_id: /subscriptions/b6e7eee9-YOUR-GUID-HERE-03ab624df016/resourceGroups/pendrica-infrastructure/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/pendrica-arm-vnet subnet_id: subnet-10.1.0 public_ip: true public_ip_sku: Standard ``` To learn more about this configuration option, see the [Azure Public IP Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-public-ip-address-upgrade?tabs=option-upgrade-powershell%2Coption-migrate-powershell). ## Chef-CLI You can now rename the generator directory after generation without breaking generator usage. ## Berkshelf Several potential race conditions in Berkshelf have been resolved. This may improve the reliability of testing multiple instances in Test Kitchen when Berkshelf is used for cookbook dependency resolution. ## Cookstyle Cookstyle has been updated with the latest RuboCop engine for improved code issue detection and correction. Additionally, RuboCop's `Lint/ErbNewArguments` cop has been enabled to detect deprecated usage of the ERB class in libraries.