## Bug Fixes - We resolved a failure running our embedded `curl` on macOS systems. Thanks for reporting this [@kmf](https://github.com/kmf). - We updated the `chef-run` command to allow using symbols in resources defined on the command-line. - We resolved frozen string errors that could occur in Test Kitchen. Thanks for the help with this [@tbugfinder](https://github.com/tbugfinder). - [@signe](https://github.com/signe) fixed fetching the validation key from AWS S3 with `knife ec2`. ## Improvements ### kitchen-dokken We've improved how the Test Kitchen `dokken` driver handles Docker registries other than DockerHub. You should now be able to configure DockerHub mirrors without any requests being made to DockerHub. Thanks [@jaymzh](https://github.com/jaymzh)! We've also updated the `docker-api` gem to 2.1.0. The `docker-api` gem powers the dokken driver and this update adds support for running dokken against [Podman](https://podman.io/). ### kitchen-azurerm The Test Kitchen `azurerm` driver has been updated to use unique instance names by default to avoid conflicts. Systems will now be named `tk-RANDOMVALUE` instead of just `vm`. Thanks [@jasonwbarnett](https://github.com/jasonwbarnett)! ### Cookstyle Cookstyle has been updated from 7.8 to 7.9. This release includes an updated RuboCop engine with improved detection and autocorrection capabilities. ### Chef Infra Client Chef Infra Client has been updated to 16.11, with minor bug fixes. See the [Chef Infra Client Release Notes](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes_client/) for more details. ### Chef InSpec Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.26.13 to 4.29.3. #### New Features - The JSON metadata pass-through configuration has been moved from the Automate reporter to the JSON Reporter - Added the option to filter out empty profiles from reports. - Exposed the `conf_path`, `content`, and `params` properties to the `auditd_conf` resource. - Added the ability to specify `--user` when connecting to docker containers. #### Bug Fixes - Fixed the `crontab` resource when passing a username to AIX. - Stopped a backtrace from occurring when using `cmp` to compare `nil` with a non-existing file. - The apt resource now correctly fetches all package repositories using the `-name` flag in an environment where ZSH is the user's default shell. - The `--controls` option in `inspec exec` now correctly filters the controls by name. - Updates how InSpec profiles are created with GCP or AWS providers so they use `inputs` instead of `attributes`. - `inspec exec` will now fetch profiles via Git regardless of the name of the default branch. ## Security ### Git The embedded `git` client in Workstation has been updated to 2.30.2 to resolve [CVE-2021-21300](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-21300).