## Updated Tools ### Chef Infra Client 17.1 Chef Infra Client has been updated from 17.0 to 17.1. This new release includes improvements to the Chef Infra Client Compliance Phase, Unified Mode improvements, and updates to many built-in resources. See the [Chef Infra Client 17.1 Release Notes](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes_client/#whats-new-in-171) for details on new functionality. ### Chef InSpec 4.37.20 Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.36.4 to 4.37.20 with the following bug fixes and improvements: #### Improvements - Added support for `zfs_pool` and `zfs_dataset` resources on Linux. - Improved `port` resource performance: adding more specific search while using `ss` command. - A new `inspec automate` command replaces the `inspec compliance` command, which is now deprecated. This command also fully validates credentials before storing them to disk. #### Bug Fixes - The `file` resource `more_permissive_than` matcher returns nil instead of throwing an exception when the file does not exist. - The `http` resource response body is now coerced into UTF-8. - Fixed an error when using profile dependencies and require_controls. - Fixed the windows_firewall_rule resource when it failed to validate more than one rule. - Modified the windows_feature resource to indicate if a feature is enabled rather than just available. - `inspec detect --no-color` returns color-free output ### Chef Habitat 1.6.319 The Chef Habitat CLI has been updated from 1.6.288 to 1.6.319 with performance and stability improvements. ### Chef CLI 5.1 The Chef CLI has been updated to 5.1. This new release includes a new `--yaml` flag for the `chef generate cookbook` command to generate example YAML Chef Infra cookbooks. ### Knife 17.2 The Knife CLI has been updated from 17.0 to 17.2, which includes several fixes for failures running knife commands. ### Cookstyle 7.13 Cookstyle has been updated from 7.10 to 7.13 with the following improvements: - Cookstyle now targets Ruby 2.5 or later allowing Cookstyle to simplify some complex codebases to use new Ruby functionality. - A new `Chef/Deprecations/HWRPWithoutUnifiedTrue` cop detects custom resources that do not set `unified_mode true`. These resources will produce deprecation warnings in Chef Infra Client 17.0 or later as the Unified Mode will become the default in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022). Setting `unified_mode true` in custom resources today allows you to ensure they will continue to function as expected in future Chef Infra Client releases. - Fixed false positives in the `Chef/Modernize/WindowsRegistryUAC` resource. - Improved how we exclude `vendor` and `files` directories so that Cookstyle can run in cookbooks contained in directories named `vendor` or `files`. - Updated the RuboCop engine used by Cookstyle to 1.15 with a significant number of detection and autocorrection improvements. ## Security ### TLS 1.3 Support on macOS macOS builds of Chef Workstation now ship with OpenSSL 1.1.1, which enables TLS 1.3 communication with Chef services. ## Known Issues Chef Workstation 21.5.420 introduced a regression causing failures when running some knife commands. We are currently working towards a fix for this issue which we hope to ship in the next release of Chef Workstation. If you encounter failures running knife commands, please install [Chef Workstation 21.4.365](https://downloads.chef.io/tools/workstation/stable?v=21.4.365)