## Bug Fixes - PowerShell DLLs for Chef Infra Client are now properly set up on Windows systems to prevent failures running Chef Infra Client. - `knife bootstrap` now respects the `config_log_level` config when setting up `client.rb` configuration files on new Windows nodes. - `knife bootstrap` with the `--use-sudo-password` no longer fails with a sudo error. - `knife user create` now provides helpful error messages if the client can't be written to disk. - `knife bootstrap` now properly supports the `~/.ssh/config` settings. - Cookstyle no longer reports `Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue` failures in custom resource partials. - Cookstyle no longer reports `Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue` failures when a custom resource file is empty. - `chef generate cookbook` now generates cookbooks that require Chef Infra Client 16 or later. - `chef generate cookbook` now generates example content referencing Chef Infra Client 17. ## Packaging ### RHEL 8 Packages We improved our RHEL 8 packages with additional RHEL 8 optimizations and EL8 in the filename.