## Performance ### Improved Knife Performance Improved the Knife command performance with optimizations to plugin loading. Windows users and users on non-SSD disks will see the most significant performance improvements from this update. ## Updated Components ### Chef Infra Client 17.9.18 Updated Chef Infra Client from 17.8.25 to 17.9.18 with improvements to YUM support in the `package` resource, improved detection of VMware hypervisors, and supports for HashiCorp Vault Approle authentication in the `secrets` helper. See the [Chef Infra Client release notes](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes_client/) for a complete list of new features and updates. ### Chef InSpec 4.52.9 Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.50.3 to 4.52.9 with many important fixes and improvements. #### New Features - Added remote target support for Alpine Linux. - Added a CLI option for executing profiles from private Supermarkets. - Added the ability to specify a proxy as a parameter in the `http` resource. - Added a CLI option to set an SSH configuration file path for SSH transport. - Added support for TLS 1.3 to the `ssl` resource. #### Bug Fixes - Fixed an edge case in the `service` resource where InSpec may falsely detect services as enabled on FreeBSD if that service is the suffix of another enabled service. - Fixed the `ibmdb2_session` resource so that it now correctly accepts queries with clauses. - Fixed the `oracledb_session` resource to properly handle nil in the query output. - Fixed the `packages` resource to list only installed packages on Alpine Linux correctly. ### Cookstyle 7.26.1 Updated Cookstyle from 7.25.10 to 7.26.1. This new version includes an updated RuboCop engine with improvements for code linting. New `Style/FileRead` and `Style/FileWrite` cops are also enabled to simplify file read/write code in libraries and resources. ### Kitchen-ec2 3.12 Updated the Test Kitchen kitchen-ec2 plugin from 3.11.1 to 3.12.0. This new release allows you to define multiple tags in the `subnet_filter` configuration and ensures the system is properly terminated if there is a failure during the instance creation. Thanks for these improvements [@jakauppila](https://github.com/jakauppila)!