## Improvements - `train-winrm` added the option to allow SSL connection with certificates. In this case, the password is not required. - `chef env` now runs faster on all OSes, especially on Windows. - `knife supermarket` commands are now additionally available to execute as `chef supermarket`. This is a preview feature. ### Chef Infra Client 17.10.0 Updated Chef Infra Client from 17.9.52 to 17.10.0. See the [Chef Infra Client release notes](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes_client/#17.10.0) for a complete list of new features and updates. ### Test Kitchen Updates - `kitchen-vcenter` now supports adding a new network interface to the VM being cloned. - `kitchen-vcenter` now works on Windows platforms. - `kitchen-azurerm` introduces a new parameter `store_deployment_credentials_in_state` that defaults to `true`. Thanks [@jasonwbarnett](https://github.com/jasonwbarnett)! ### Chef InSpec 4.56.19 Updated Chef InSpec 4.52.9 to 4.56.19. See the [Chef InSpec release notes](https://docs.chef.io/release_notes_inspec/#5.10.5) for a complete list of new features and updates. ## Bug Fixes - The parameter `default_chef_server_http_client` is now set when used with CookbookOmnifetch. Thanks [@karmix](https://github.com/karmix)! - `kitchen-azurerm` has temporarily disabled support for specifying a VM availability zone. This allows `kitchen create` to run successfully when the availability zone is not configured.