The following items are new for Chef Infra Client 12.14 and/or are changes from previous versions. The short version: - **Upgraded Ruby version from 2.1.9 to 2.3.1** Adds several performance and functionality enhancements. - **Now support for Chef client runs on Windows Nano Server** A small patch to Ruby 2.3.1 and improvements to the Ohai network plugin now allow you to do chef client runs on Windows Nano Server. - **New yum_repository resource** Use the **yum_repository** resource to manage a yum repository configuration file. - **Added the ability to mark a property of a custom resource as sensitive** This will suppress the property's value when it's used in other outputs, such as messages used by the data collector. ## yum_repository Use the **yum_repository** resource to manage a Yum repository configuration file located at `/etc/yum.repos.d/repositoryid.repo` on the local machine. This configuration file specifies which repositories to reference, how to handle cached data, etc. For syntax, a list of properties and actions, see [yum_repository](/resources/yum_repository/). ## sensitive: true Some properties in custom resources may include sensitive data, such as a password for a database server. When the resource's state is built for use by data collector or a similar auditing tool, a hash is built of all state properties for that resource and their values. This leads to sensitive data being transmitted and potentially stored in the clear. Individual properties can now be marked as sensitive and then have the value of that property suppressed when exporting the resource's state. To do this, add `sensitive: true` when defining the property, such as in the following example: ```ruby property :db_password, String, sensitive: true ```