## `deploy` Resource Is Deprecated The `deploy` resource (and its alter ego `deploy_revision`) have been deprecated, to be removed in Chef Infra Client 14. This is being done because this resource is considered overcomplicated and error-prone in the modern Chef ecosystem. A compatibility cookbook will be available to help users migrate during the Chef Infra Client 14 release cycle. See [the deprecation documentation](https://docs.chef.io/deprecations_deploy_resource) for more information. ## zypper_package supports package downgrades `zypper_package` now supports downgrading installed packages with the `allow_downgrade` property. ## InSpec updated to 1.42.3 ## Reserve certain Data Bag names It's no longer possible to create data bags named `node`, `role`, `client`, or `environment`. Existing data bags will continue to work as before. ## Properly use yum on RHEL 7 If both dnf and yum were installed, in some circumstances the yum provider might choose to run dnf, which is not what we intended it to do. It now properly runs yum, all the time. ## Ohai 13.6 ### Critical Plugins Users can now specify a list of plugins which are `critical`. Critical plugins will cause Ohai to fail if they do not run successfully (and thus cause a Chef run using Ohai to fail). The syntax for this is: ```ruby ohai.critical_plugins << :Filesystem ``` ### Filesystem now has a `allow_partial_data` configuration option The Filesystem plugin now has a `allow_partial_data` configuration option. If set, the filesystem will return whatever data it can even if some commands it ran failed. ### Rackspace detection on Windows Windows nodes running on Rackspace will now properly detect themselves as running on Rackspace without a hint file. ### Package data on Amazon Linux The Packages plugin now supports gathering packages data on Amazon Linux ### Deprecation updates In Ohai 13 we replaced the filesystem and cloud plugins with the filesystem2 and cloud_v2 plugins. To maintain compatibility with users of the previous V2 plugins we write data to both locations. We had originally planned to continue writing data to both locations until Chef Infra Client 15. Instead due to the large amount of duplicate node data this introduces we are updating OHAI-11 and OHAI-12 deprecations to remove node['cloud_v2'] and node['filesystem2'] with the release of Chef Infra Client 14 in April 2018.