## New Resources We've added new resources to Chef Infra Client 14.5. Cookbooks using these resources will continue to take precedent until the Chef Infra Client 15.0 release ### windows_workgroup Use the `windows_workgroup` resource to join or change a Windows host workgroup. See the [windows_workgroup](https://docs.chef.io/resources/windows_workgroup) documentation for more information. Thanks [@derekgroh](https://github.com/derekgroh) for contributing this new resource. ### locale Use the `locale` resource to set the system's locale. See the [locale](https://docs.chef.io/resources/locale) documentation for more information. Thanks [@vincentaubert](https://github.com/vincentaubert) for contributing this new resource. ## Updated Resources ### windows_ad_join `windows_ad_join` now includes a `new_hostname` property for setting the hostname for the node upon joining the domain. Thanks [@derekgroh](https://github.com/derekgroh) for contributing this new property. ## InSpec 2.2.102 InSpec has been updated from 2.2.70 to 2.2.102. This new version includes the following improvements: - Support for using ERB templating within the .yml files - HTTP basic auth support for fetching dependent profiles - A new global attributes concept - Better error handling with Automate reporting - Vendor command now vendors profiles when using path:// ## Ohai 14.5 ### Windows Improvements Detection for the `root_group` attribute on Windows has been simplified and improved to properly support non-English systems. With this change, we've also deprecated the `Ohai::Util::Win32::GroupHelper` helper, which is no longer necessary. Thanks to [@jugatsu](https://github.com/jugatsu) for putting this together. We've also added a new `encryption_status` attribute to volumes on Windows. Thanks to [@kmf](https://github.com/kmf) for suggesting this new feature. ### Configuration Improvements The timeout period for communicating with OpenStack metadata servers can now be configured with the `openstack_metadata_timeout` config option. Thanks to [@sawanoboly](https://github.com/sawanoboly) for this improvement. Ohai now properly handles relative paths to config files when running on the command line. This means commands like `ohai -c ../client.rb` will now properly use your config values. ## Security updates ### Rubyzip The rubyzip gem has been updated to 1.2.2 to resolve [CVE-2018-1000544](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2018-1000544/)