## Improvements - The `systemd_unit` resource now respects the `sensitive` property and will no longer output the contents of the unit file to logs if this is set. - A new `arm?` helper has been added which can be used in recipes and resources to determine if a system is on the ARM architecture. ## Bug Fixes - Resolved a bug that prevented users from bootstrapping nodes using knife when specifying the `--use_sudo_password`. - Resolved a bug that prevented the `--bootstrap-version` flag from being honored when bootstrapping in knife. ## Chef InSpec 4.18.104 - Resolved a regression that prevented the `service` resource from working correctly on Windows. Thanks [@Axuba](https://github.com/Axuba) - Implemented VMware and Hyper-V detection on Linux systems - Implemented VMware, Hyper-V, Virtualbox, KVM and Xen detection on Windows systems - Added helpers `virtual_system?` and `physical_system?`. Thanks [@tecracer-theinen](https://github.com/tecracer-theinen) ## Ohai 15.9 - Improve the resiliency of the `Shard` plugin when `dmidecode` cannot be found on a system. Thanks [@jaymzh](https://github.com/jaymzh) - Fixed detection of Openstack guests via DMI data. Thanks [@ramereth](https://github.com/ramereth) ## Platform Support ### Amazon Linux 2 Chef Infra Client is now tested on Amazon Linux 2 running on x86_64 and aarch64 with packages available on the [Chef Downloads Page](https://www.chef.io/downloads).