## Native Apple M1 Architecture Packages We now build and test native Apple M1 architecture builds of Chef Infra Client. These builds are available at [Chef Downloads](https://www.chef.io/downloads), our `install.sh` scripts, and the [Omnitruck API](https://docs.chef.io/api_omnitruck/). ## Chef InSpec 4.28 Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.26.4 to 4.28.0. ### New Features - Added the option to filter out empty profiles from reports. - Exposed the `conf_path`, `content`, and `params` properties to the `auditd_conf` resource. - Added the ability to specify `--user` when connecting to docker containers. ### Bug Fixes - Fixed the `crontab` resource when passing a username to AIX. - Stopped a backtrace from occurring when using `cmp` to compare `nil` with a non-existing file. - Fixed `skip_control` to work on deeply nested profiles. - The `ssh_config` and `sshd_config` resources now correctly use the first value when a setting is repeated. ## Fixes and Improvements - Upgraded openSSL on macOS from 1.0.2 to 1.1.1 in order to support Apple M1 builds. - Resolved an issue that caused the DNF and YUM package helpers to exit with error codes, which would show up in system logs. - Added a new attribute to make the upcoming Compliance Phase an opt-in feature: `node['audit']['compliance_phase']`. This should prevent the Compliance Phase from incorrectly running when using named run_lists or override run_lists. If you're currently testing this new phase, make sure to set this attribute to `true`. - `chef_client_cron`: the `append_log_file` property now sets up the cron job to use shell redirection (`>>`) instead of the `-L` flag