- Habitat packages for Chef Infra Client 16 are now published with full support for the `powershell_exec` helper now added. - Added a new `clear` action to the `windows_user_privilege` resource. - Resolved a regression in Chef Infra Client 16.1 and later that caused failures running on FIPS enabled systems. - Resolved failures in the `archive_file` resource when running on Windows hosts. - Resolved a failure when running `chef-apply` with the `-j` option. Thanks [@komazarari](https://github.com/komazarari). - Chef Infra Client running within GitHub Actions is now properly identified as running in a Docker container. Thanks [@jaymzh](http://github.com/jaymzh). - SSH connections are now reused, improving the speed of knife bootstrap and remote resources on slow network links. Thanks [@tecracer-theinen](https://github.com/tecracer-theinen). - `node['network']['interfaces']` data now correctly identifies IPv6 next hops for IPv4 routes. Thanks [@cooperlees](https://github.com/cooperlees). - Updated InSpec from 4.20.10 to 4.21.1.