## Chef InSpec 4.24 Chef InSpec has been updated to 4.24.8 including the following improvements: - An unset `HOME` environment variable will not cause execution failures - You can use wildcards in `platform-name` and `release` in InSpec profiles - The support for arrays in the `WMI` resource, so it can return multiple objects - The `package` resource on Windows properly escapes package names - The `grub_conf` resource succeeds even if without a `menuentry` in the grub config - Loaded plugins won't try to re-load themselves ## Updated Resources ### dsc_resource / dsc_script The `dsc_resource` and `dsc_script` resources have been updated to use the `powershell_exec` helper for significantly improved performance executing the PowerShell commands. ### hostname The `hostname` resource has been updated to prevent failures when the default system hostname is set on macOS hosts. ### remote_file The `remote_file` resource has been updated to use certificates located in Chef Infra Client's `trusted_certificates` directory. Thanks for reporting this issue [@carguel](https://github.com/carguel/)! ### windows_certificate The `windows_certificate` has been updated with a new `exportable` property that marks PFX files as exportable in the certificate store. ## Ohai Improvements - A new optional `Grub2` plugin can be enabled to expose GRUB2 environment variables. - Linode cloud detection has been improved. ## Platform Packages We are once again building packages for Solaris on Sparc and x86 platforms.