## Chef InSpec 4.25.1 Chef InSpec has been updated from 4.24.8 to 4.25.1: - OpenSSH Client on Windows can now be tested with the ssh_config and sshd_config resources. Thanks [@rgeissert](https://github.com/rgeissert)! - The `--reporter-message-truncation` option now also truncates the `code_desc` field, preventing failures when sending large reports to Automate. ## Bug Fixes - Resolved failures from running `chef-client` on some Windows systems. - Compliance Phase: Improved detection of the `audit` cookbook when it is used for compliance reporting. - chef-shell: Added support for loading configs in `client.d` directories - Thanks [@jaymzh](https://github.com/jaymzh)! - Duplicate gems in our packaging have been removed to further shrink the package sizes and improve load time.