**NOTE**: This release does not include Infra Client packages for AIX systems. ## New Resources ### selinux_user and selinux_login resources Added the new [selinux_user](https://docs.chef.io/resources/selinux_user) and [selinux_login](https://docs.chef.io/resources/selinux_login) resources. ([#13511](https://github.com/chef/chef/pull/13511)) The **selinux_user** resource allows you to manage the security level, security range, and roles for a given SELinux user. The **selinux_login** resource allows you to manage the security range and associated SELinux user mapping for a given OS login. Thanks [wheatevo](https://github.com/wheatevo)! ## Resource Updates ### macos_userdefaults resource We fixed an issue in the [macos_userdefaults resource](https://docs.chef.io/resources/macos_userdefaults/) where the `user` property was not being used when `host` property wasn't passed. This update sets default values for `user` and `host` as the current user and any host. ([#12791](https://github.com/chef/chef/pull/12791)) ### launchd resource Updated the `associated_bundle_identifiers` property in the macOS [**launchd** resource](https://docs.chef.io/resources/launchd/) to accept an array instead of just a hash of values. Thanks [Arequ](https://github.com/Arequ)! ([#13477](https://github.com/chef/chef/pull/13477)) ### apt_repository resource Updated the [apt_repository resource](https://docs.chef.io/resources/apt_repository/) so that the apt-keys are updated if the expiration of a key is updated without changing the fingerprint. Thanks [tmccombs](https://github.com/tmccombs)! ([#13535](https://github.com/chef/chef/pull/13535)). ## Packaging This release does not include Infra Client packages for AIX systems. ### Bundled Dependencies * Bundled `ohai` updated from `18.0.26` to `18.1.3` * Bundled `proxifier (1.0.3)` is replaced with `proxifier2 (1.1.0)` * Bundled `inspec-core` updated from `5.18.14` to `5.21.29` * Bundled `aws-partitions` updated from `1.681.0` to `1.731.0` * Bundled `aws-sdk-core` updated from `3.168.4` to `3.170.1` * Bundled `aws-sdk-kms` updated from `1.61.0` to `1.63.0` * Bundled `aws-sdk-s3` updated from `1.117.2` to `1.119.1` * Bundled `aws-sdk-secretsmanager` updated from `1.68.0` to `1.73.0` * Bundled `chef-vault` updated from `4.1.10` to `4.1.11` * Bundled `concurrent-ruby` updated from `1.1.10` to `1.2.2` * Bundled `erubi` updated from `1.11.0` to `1.12.0` * Bundled `faraday` updated from `1.4.3` to `2.7.4` * Bundled `inspec-core-bin` updated from `5.18.14` to `5.21.29` * Bundled `mime-types-data` updated from `3.2022.0105` to `3.2023.0218.1` * Bundled `multipart-post` updated from `2.2.3` to `2.3.0` * Bundled `net-ssh` updated from `7.0.1` to `7.1.0` * Bundled `parser` updated from `` to `` * Bundled `plist` updated from `3.6.0` to `3.7.0` * Bundled `rack` updated from `2.2.4` to `` * Bundled `regexp_parser` updated from `2.6.1` to `2.7.0` * Bundled `timeout` updated from `0.3.1` to `0.3.2` * Bundled `webrick` updated from `1.7.0` to `1.8.1` ## Bug fixes We fixed a bug in the Chef Omnibus pre-install script that sometimes led to EBUSY errors during upgrades.([#13562](https://github.com/chef/chef/pull/13562)) The "`FFI::Yajl`" errors ([#13380](https://github.com/chef/chef/issues/13380)) have been resolved by an [update to `chef-powershell` (chef-powershell-shim#187)](https://github.com/chef/chef-powershell-shim/pull/187) ## Security ### Test Certificates As part of ongoing work, we updated new Digicert-based certificates for testing. These need to be updated sporadically, and we're updating you here in case this impacts your own testing. ([#13625](https://github.com/chef/chef/pull/13625)) ### Windows Certificates We fixed an issue with private keys that are encrypted in the certificate store on a Windows node that is under management by two or more users or by an admin and the SYSTEM account. The private key could not be decrypted by a user other than the user that bootstrapped the node because the password is user-specific. We now use an initialization vector to encrypt the private key, which is stored in the Windows registry. This allows multiple users to decrypt a private key. ([#13552](https://github.com/chef/chef/pull/13552))