## New Features - Choice: The `sys_info` resource now supports `ip_address`, `fqdn`, `domain`, and `short` options when giving a version of the hostname. - Boom!: We have released our beta Chef InSpec plug-in for HashiCorp Vault. Check it out in our [inspec-vault GitHub repo]( https://github.com/inspec/inspec-vault) and let us know what you think -- or better yet, start jumping in and contributing with us on it. - Also: Waivers, our new beta feature, was added to InSpec! Waivers allows you to better manage compliance failures. We would love to hear your feedback on this! See our [documentation](https://www.inspec.io/docs/reference/waivers/) for more details. ## Improvements - Accelerate: Sped up initial load/response time for all commands by removing pre-leading of resources on invocation of `inspec`. - Better Debugging: If an error occurs when using the `json` resource with a `command` source, you will now get the error message from STDERR returned in the report. - Makeover: We improved the formatting of the usage help, so what you see when you type `inspec exec --help` should look better! ## Bug Fixes - Squashed: We fixed a bug on `sys_info`, `etc_hosts`, and several other resources, which would cause a `ConversionError` stacktrace when used in a `describe` block. This bug would not occur when used as an information gathering call, such as `sys_info.manufacturer`. - Compressed: Resolved encoding issues with the JSON reporter and .tar.gz profiles. - Clear Expression: Fixed a deprecation warning on the `apt` resource when using the `=~` operator with `false`. - Locating: Improved how the `postfix_conf` resource handles a non-standard config location. - Remake: Refactored activator plugin to be more idiomatic. - Excerpt: Resolved quoting issues with the `mssql_session` resource. - Loaded: Fixed Plugin loader to check for the `inspec-core` gem if the `inspec` gem is not found, and to fail gracefully otherwise.