## Improvements - Readable: A message appears to the user when fetching a profile fails, instead of a wordy stack trace. - New Standard: Updating to rspec 3.9 means that output on failures changes from "X should be Y" to "X is expected to be Y". - No More Sign-in Sheet: The `WindowsUser` resource now tests for the user's last login date. Thank you [@mbaitelman](https://github.com/mbaitelman) for your contribution! - Transformed: Wired up `control` blocks to use resources. ## Bug Fixes - Future Proofing: Compatibility fixes added in preparation for ruby 2.7. - Logging at Last: Fixed `inspec detect` so the `--log-level=` command works properly. ## Backward Incompatibilities - Technical Adjustment: Moved `lib/fetchers` to `lib/inspec/fetcher` and re-namespaced accordingly.